How did that Bat get into my bedroom?

While a small percentage of bats enter through open windows and doors most are living in the attic or eaves of your home. The bat becomes dislodged from the roost and fall or climb down walls to the first opening they can find. This typically is the basement of your home where they fly around disoriented and trying to get outside. They continue to fly around and end up on upper floors, where you are awoken to their presence.

I saw a Raccoon in the daytime, is it rabid?

Extremely unlikely. While caution must always be taken when dealing with wild animals, and they like any mammal can become infected rabies is pretty rare. It is far more likely that raccoon was disturbed from its den site and is merely looking for its next safety zone to sleep away the day. Raccoons that are also having difficulty finding enough food to survive may also extend their hunting hours into the early hours of the morning.    

I found a baby squirrel under a tree, what do I do?

Baby squirrels fall out of their nests all the time! So don’t panic. Typically mom is not far away and when baby starts its high pitch whistling mom comes running to carry it back home. Keep your distance and allow it to happen. If you feel compelled to do something, a shoebox lined with paper towel raised off the ground right next to the tree it was discovered will be its best chance of reunion. If no luck after 24 hours then contacting a wildlife rehabilitator is advised.

I smell skunk, but I don’t see one?

Check your dog/cat before letting them back inside the house! It’s often them responsible for causing the skunk to spray. Otherwise there is one in the neighbourhood who has recently sprayed and the odour is lingering. Check your property for signs they are living nearby. Skunks are ground dwellers so check decks, sheds garages, porches and additions. Essentially, anything without a foundation for a hole or dug out tunnel.

Why not leave the animal in my attic?

Leaving it there is always an option and in some cases for short periods of time necessary. Leaving them there for the long term is ill advised. The biggest danger is from fire hazards caused by animals chewing electrical wires. Animals will also move or compact insulation allowing heat to escape during colder months. Depending on the method the animal used to gain entry structural or water damage may be a factor. Animal odours become more apparent as time passes.

How far will you take the animals? Why can you not take them further?

Our methods are primarily on site release techniques. This means we set things up to remove the animal from your home but not the neighbourhood. This is done from a legal standpoint of it is illegal to relocate wildlife out of its home range (1 km). Secondly removing an animal from its home range drastically reduces its chance for survival due to a failure of successfully locating new sources of food and shelter. Special care must also be taken when young are present. Relocating mom leaves behind kids too young to fend for themselves leading to a slow starvation possibly in your home.



Why are bedbugs so hard to treat?

Bedbugs should not be equated with filth or sanitation problems — in hotels or in homes, for that matter. Bedbugs are very elusive, transient pests. They are often found in other areas besides the bed. And they are hardy. They can live for a year or more without eating and can withstand a wide range of temperatures from nearly freezing to 122 degrees Fahrenheit. Bedbugs can be controlled with vigilance, constant inspection and treatment by professional pest control companies.

What can a consumer do to protect themselves from bedbug infestations?

To prevent bedbug infestations, consumers need to be vigilant in assessing their surroundings. When returning from a trip, check your luggage and clothing. If you think you may have a bed bug infestation, contact a pest control professional. This is not a pest that can be controlled with do-it-yourself measures.

How do you recognize termites?

Depending on where you live, termite swarms may be visible in the early spring. Termites are often confused with flying ants. Telltale signs of termite infestation include soft wood in the home, mud tubes on the exterior of your home (often near the foundation) and darkening or blistering of wood structures.

What can a homeowner do to prevent termites?

There are many steps a homeowner can take to help prevent termites from infesting their property. Most importantly, a homeowner should eliminate or reduce moisture in and around their home, which termites need to thrive. Divert water away from your home’s foundation by installing properly functioning downspouts, gutters and splash blocks. Reduce humidity in crawl spaces with proper ventilation. Trim vines, hedges and other vegetation to prevent them from blocking vents. Remove old form boards, grade stakes, tree trunks and roots near a building, as they may attract termites. In addition, maintain an 18-inch gap between soil and any wood portions of your home. Finally, routinely inspect the foundation of your home for signs of termite damage.

Why shouldn't homeowners try to control stinging insects without the help of a trained professional?

Many types of stinging insects, such as yellow jackets, are social insects. They will sting to protect themselves and members of their colony. The insects give off pheromones, which cause other members of the colony to react as well. The chaotic reaction is too dangerous for a homeowner to address alone.

What are some tips to deal with stinging instects?

Be aware of stinging insect nesting areas, and use extreme caution when around them. Stinging insects can build their nests in attics, crawlspaces, building corners, under gutters, and under patios or decks. Seal exterior cracks and crevices to prevent insects from entering a structure and building nests. Stinging insects are attracted to open garbage cans and exposed food. Cover all food when outdoors. Be sure to keep tight fitting lids on garbage cans and empty them regularly. When spending time outdoors, avoid excessive use of fragrances, which can attract stinging insects. If you have an allergic reaction to an insect sting, seek medical attention immediately.

What can homeowners do to reduce the risks from mosquitoes?

  • Eliminate or reduce mosquito breeding sites by replacing all standing water at least once a week. This includes bird baths, ponds and swimming pools.
  • Remove unneeded vegetation or trash from around any standing water sources that cannot be changed, dumped or removed.
  • Introduce mosquito-eating fish such as gambusia, green sunfish, bluegills and minnows to standing water.
  • Screen windows, doors, and other openings with fine mesh, sealing around all screen edges and keeping doors and windows shut to prevent entry.
  • Avoid going outdoors when and where mosquitoes are most active: during dusk or dawn.
  • Use repellent on exposed skin whenever and wherever mosquitoes are likely to bite. The most effective repellents currently available contain the active ingredient N,N-diethylbenzamide (DEET), in concentrations up to about 35% (greater concentrations don’t offer better protection).
  • Wear long-sleeved shirts and long-legged pants, preferably treated with a repellent as well.


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