November 02 2017 0Comment

Winterize Your Home

A few tips on how to avoid an unwanted house guest this winter…

  1. Rake and pick up leaves! A pile of leaves is a warm and inviting place for pests, especially leaf piles that are close to your house. Ants, earwigs, rodents, and snakes have been known to make themselves comfortable under a nice “warm” pile of leaves. When these pests find warmth they invite their siblings, family and friends for a get together putting your yard (and home) at risk for a pesky pest problem.
  2. Clean out your gutters!  For the same reasons as above, gutters tend to attract all types of pests, most notably centipedes, termites, carpenter ants, and rodents. Your gutters act as a warm “fort” for these critters to keep warm as well as a source of water.
  3. Remove Moisture! Ensure your home is leak free. Now is a good time to check all of your pipes and drains before the temperature drops below freezing and any underlying problem could be a bigger problem. Critters and pests will flock to a leak as it is a constant water (and food..yuck) source . Leaky pipes and drains tend to attract more of the “creepy crawler” variety of pests such as silverfish, centipedes, and roaches.
  4. Close off all entries! A pests in need of warmth and shelter will find even the smallest of entry points. It is important to do a thorough circle check of your home to make sure there are no damaged or open window/windowsill’s, broken siding/brickwork. Dryer/outdoor vents should always have a mesh block on them to prevent critters from using your vents as a warm entry point into your home. It is also important to make sure your shrubbery and tree branches are pruned away from the house so that larger (walking) critters cannot use a branch as a gateway to the roof or attic.

Winterizing can seem like a chore, but believe me, it is imperative in keeping the pests away! Give us a call if you’d like any more information on winterizing, or if you’d like us to take a visit out to your home or office for a quote.

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