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Tag: pest control

Wasps… Wasps… Wasps…

The hot summer months are a thing of beauty… BBQ’s, cold drinks, hot sun, tasty ice cream.. the list goes on… Unfortunately the warm months also bring on a somewhat regular annoyance of pests such as those of the wasp. Almost everyone will encounter a stinging insect at some point in their life, and for […]

Bed Bugs Bite!

Bed bugs bite… both literally and figuratively… There’s been a rise in the calls of bed bug infestation in the last several years, and nobody really knows why. Since 2006, there have been 2270 reports of bed bugs just in the the Toronto region alone. That’s 2270 reports of infestations, not just one little bug… And […]

When Wildlife Go Wild…

Spring is officially in full force! Tulips are up, trees are budding, and wildlife are making your home their own… Wait… What? That’s right folks, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, possums, you name it… With spring being the annual “baby booming” season, all wildlife are looking for their special place to nest/den. Because your home boasts quiet […]

Oh… Rats!

Spring has barely sprung, and we’re already fielding calls daily for rat issues and infestations… Rats can be a serious catastrophic problem. They are responsible for the transmission of many diseases, they destroy property, and their nesting can ruin the integrity of a building structure. Rats are nocturnal rodents, so seeing one in action may not always […]

Spring is in the air – Be on the watch for Carpenter Ants!

Well, it’s almost spring! You know what that means…  Warmer weather is on its way,  flowers are in the start of their bloom, and the grass is on its way to that “golf green”! Well, we aren’t the only ones excited for the turn of the season… Carpenter ants are ready for spring too! During […]