April 22 2020 0Comment

4 Ways to “Pest Proof” this Spring!

Since we’re all practicing physical distancing, now is a great time to pest proof your home! Here are the 4 areas of the home that you should be extra attentive to!


The kitchen is one of the most used areas of any home. It can also accumulate the most germs and present a pretty awesome feeding ground for pests of all kinds.
For your annual spring clean, empty all of your cabinets and pantry. Remove all of your stale old spices, dated baking goods, and stale dry goods. Put any open packaged items into air tight containers. Wipe down the inside and outside of each cabinet removing any crumbs, and especially watching for sweets such as sugar and syrups.
Next, pull all of your appliances away from the wall as far as possible. Sweep and vacuum up any crumbs and food remnants. Mop the area as best as possible making sure to stay away from any electrical outlets, plugs, and hoses.

Lastly, give your counter tops, appliances and floor a really good mop/wipe down. Make sure to get into all of the nooks and crannies!


Like the kitchen, the bathrooms are a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Insects such as silverfish and cockroaches are drawn to bathrooms as they contain just the right amount of moisture for them to call it home.

For a good spring cleaning, remove your shower curtain and dispose of/replace your shower liner. If you can, wash your shower curtain on a hot cycle. Thoroughly clean the inside and outside of your shower, sinks, and toilet.
Clean out all of your cabinets and dispose of any old medications and personal items that are no longer of use.
Check under the sink(s) and around all plumbing for any sign of leaks.

Lastly, wipe down and disinfect the inside and outside of cabinets and scrub your vanity top.


Unfinished basements are important to pay attention to during a spring cleaning. Most of us use our unfinished basements as a storage haven filled with cardboard boxes and bins. Cardboard boxes are especially important to clean as they tend to hold moisture.

Really, because we all treat our homes differently, it’s up to you, the home owner to really dig deep if you see that your basement could be a good candidate for pests. If your basement is filled with a lot of boxes, clutter and dark spaces where a critter could reside, you are going to want to roll your sleeves up. Start with replacing all of the cardboard boxes and transferring their contents over to a sealed plastic bin. Try to keep everything off the floor as much as possible.

Finally, take a good look around the basement for any small cracks or crevices to be sealed up.


Cleaning up outside is one of the most important parts of pest proofing during a spring clean. This is because pests will gravitate towards your dwelling if they feel like it’s a ‘safe space’ with lots of places to hide and seek shelter.

Outdoor cleaning starts with a complete inspection of your home. Look for any damages that could have happened over the winter. Replaces any rotting wood or shingles. Seal up and cracks and crevices that could be an entry way for pests big and small.
Put new weather stripping where needed. Repair all ripped screens and patch up loose mortar and joints.
Look around the property for any fallen brush, and/or wood piles. Should you need to stack wood, make sure it is done neatly and a safe distance away from the home thus not allowing any sort of leverage or hiding spot for a critter to use.
Trim back tree limbs and bushes, and remove any sort of rotting trees/stumps.

As always, if you are in need of any spring pest removal or help, please don’t hesitate to give us a call!

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