March 05 2019 0Comment

Birds and Diseases: Need to Know

Birds travel a great distance to get away from this cold. On their voyage, they feed on plants, insects, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Their diet and eating habits aren’t exactly the cleanest among the animal kingdom, which is why they tend to pick up many bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases on their journey. These diseases are easily transferred to people and pets. This transmission can happen in numerous ways, but most commonly it’s known to occur when people or pets come into contact with the birds themselves, or their droppings.

It’s important to steer clear of birds, especially those deemed as more “nuissance birds” such as seagulls and pigeons. Seagulls and pigeons tend to congregate in large flocks and are more comfortable in closer contact with humans than other birds. Because of this, their levels of contact with humans and pets is at a much higher risk. To discourage contact with birds, and eliminate the dissemination of diseases in your city or town, it’s important to not feed them. If you feel that a flock has made a habitat out of your property or around your yard, it is VERY important to have a professional over to assess the situation and that you don’t try to remove the habitat yourself.

Professionals like us are trained in the humane and safe removal of bird habitats so that the spreading of any harmful disease is eliminated, and your property will not be damaged in the process.

Contact us today with any questions you may have!

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