July 10 2019 0Comment

Carpenter Ants: Need to Know

Warmer weather is upon us! Cottage season is finally here! Nothing could ruin this time of the year… Or could it?

What if you show up to a glistening lake, and the fresh smell of the great north and find that your wooded areas and cottage have been home to carpenter ants? I would imagine finding an infestation and structural damages to your home or cottage would definitely not be a nice kick off to the summer fun… So here are some pointers to help avoid this situation becoming your fate:

  1. Seal all cracks and crevices
  2. Fix Leaking faucets and hose bibs
  3. Remove dead/dying trees from the property and grind out any decaying stumps
  4. Trim all tree branches away from the cottage/home
  5. Repair any damaged or dampened wood inside the cottage
  6. Keep wood piles (firewood) away from the cottage and only bring logs down when you’re ready for use
  7. Use door sweeps and weather stripping on all doors
  8. Cleanliness inside the cottage is a must (clean up crumbs, wash floors regularly, toss expired dry goods etc.)
  9. Store any dry goods inside tightly sealed containers (this includes pet food!)
  10. Don’t leave any food out on the counters, and avoid leaving dirty dishes in the sink

As always, dealing with ant infestations should be handled by a professional. Contact us today if you have any questions about your home or cottage ant removal!

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