January 11 2021 0Comment

Earwigs or Ewwwwigs…

Earwigs aren’t all that bad… Okay… okay… hear me out…

Yes, they’re gross looking. Yes, when you stumble upon a few in a wood pile and they scatter, ugh… gross… BUT… Did you know that earwigs are actually fairly beneficial to your outdoor plants and ecosystem? Earwigs feed on decaying matter as well as unwanted pests in the garden. So if you have ravaging tomatoes this summer coming, you MAY have earwigs to thank.

THAT SAID… They are still pests. They are definitely unwanted indoors, and aside from their benefits on your vegetation, nobody wants to get a handful of earwigs when they’re picking up a log to put on the bonfire. So… How do you get rid of earwigs from UNWANTED areas? Here are some tips:

  1. Seal all gaps around doors and windows with high quality caulking
  2. Use door sweeps and weather stripping
  3. Fix all broken/cracked windows and screens
  4. Dispose of yard waste regularily
  5. Minimize the amount of decorative stones and ornaments from the gardens around your home. Say no to gnomes!
  6. Keep gutters and downspouts free of brush and debris
  7. Before you hang any potted plants, check for earwigs inside the blooms
  8. Remove piles and debris from about the house
  9. Use dehumidifiers in damp areas indoors
  10. Fix any leaky faucets, air conditioning units, or irrigation systems around the home.

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