September 10 2018 0Comment

Fall Pest Protection

Below are the top 10 pest prevention methods to help keep your home, cottage, and business pest free!

  1. Use tightly sealed plastic, glass or metal cans/jars for all of your stored preserves and pantry foods.
  2. Repair any plumbing fixtures both indoors and outdoors that may have a small leak or on the verge of leaking.
  3. Do not use cardboard for any storage. It is best to use plastic bins or crates.
  4. Seal up any windows that may have small entrances for critters who are seeking warmth.
  5. Use weather stripping under doors as well as cover your attic, dryer and soffit vents with mesh or steel screening.
  6. Always cover your garbage, recycling and compost with lids and do not store them near your home’s entrance.
  7. Do not store firewood piles near your home or any entrance.
  8. Keep your shrubbery cut down, as well as trim/cut grass and bushes. Also remember to remove yard waste immediately.
  9. Keep your sinks, cupboards, pantry’s and storage areas clean and clutter-free. It’s important to make sure you do not leave any crumbs or food particles behind when preparing meals.
  10. Seal any cracks or crevices of your home/office/cottage foundation. This includes windows, eavestrough’s, chimney, or any other entry points into your home!

If you’d like an expert to do a fall prep at your home, cottage, or workplace, please give us a call!

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