March 23 2022 0Comment

Here are 3 major pests to watch out for this spring!

Spring is ALMOST here! As Ontarians, and if you’re anything like me, even the smell of melting snow, and that tiny bit of warm moisture in the air brings me so much joy. Don’t get me wrong, I love winter also, but there’s just something about the spring that I can’t quite fully explain. Spring also brings on a few more burdens to watch out for. Just like us, pests and insects want to get outside and smell the fresh air too. That means that we have to be on the lookout! Here are 3 pests you’re likely going to come in contact with this spring, and how to avoid having any issues within your home and property this spring.


Once the temperature is on the warmer side (about 10°C), our paper wasp queens will be on the lookout for a new place to call home.

The best way to prevent the queen from picking your home as her new domain is to keep your home both tidy of debris, as well as sealed up. The queen is looking specifically for old piles of wood, small gaps in soffits, and any enclosed spaces such as mailboxes or deck boxes. Make sure that your yard is as clear as possible, and that your home is sealed from any small entry points.

If you find a nest this spring, PLEASE contact us. Spring wasps are very protective of their new home and will do anything to protect their queen. By calling in a professional, we will come equipped for a safe and humane nest removal to ensure your property is clear of any dangers in regard to these pesky pests.


Remember the song, “the ants go marching one by one”… Well… Consider the spring the time where the ants go marching by the thousands. Spring is the time where ants emerge as the new generations hatch and start to wander for their freedom and food sources.

The best prevention of ants this spring is to make sure your home is free from any food sources. I know, I know… The warm weather may bring on the neighbors for a cold one on the driveway, but it’s important that the ants don’t have access to these brews as well. Toss your empty cans of pop and wobbly pops into an air tight sealed bag or container. The less access they have to the smell, the better your chances are that they’ll not come seeking it out. This goes for indoors as well. It’s important keep the inside of your spaces clear of crumbs, used cups, and pet food. Ants are assertive little creatures and don’t care for any invite in your home before making their way to your food sources.

LDD Moths

LDD moths are a HUGE spring pest that are rarely talked about. They are hungry little pests, and the spring is when they tend to make the most damage as they are hungry for the new budding foliage of the spring blooms on your trees. It’s important to catch these pests early in both the egg stage, and pupa stage of their lifecycle. To spot an LDD moth, look for a beige nest sac stuck onto your trees. These nests will eventually hatch into an albeit, pretty caterpillar. These caterpillars are 5-6 centimetres long with five pairs of blue dots and six pairs of bright red dots along their back. In the moth stage, females are white with dark markings and cannot fly. The males are brown and can fly.

A soap and water mixture to remove the nest sacs are your best bet. If the pupa are found, wrapping burlap around your tree base to trap them is also a good option. They will use the burlap for hiding in the heat of the day, and you’ll be able to check in on them and remove them as necessary.

Finally, if you’re in need of professional help for these pesky critters, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are trained in the full and safe removal of these invasive species and will ensure that your home and trees will be rid of them.

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