May 04 2018 0Comment

How to prevent getting ‘ticked’ off this season!

Ticks are an ever growing concern for all of us, and especially our furry friends. Just this past week, I had an annual checkup with my dog at our vet’s office and noticed they have a ‘counting’ sign at the front counter letting all of their patrons know how many ticks they’d removed so far this season.. The number was upwards of 30, and my vet had told me that she thinks it has been even more than that… That is just ONE local vet clinic.. There are many, many more with whom probably share the same numbers.

Tick bites are a prime risk of contracting Lyme disease. Both in human, and pets. In order to prevent getting ‘ticked’ off this season, we’re offering these 6 tips from the professionals:

  1. Regularly trim shrubbery, long grass and bushes around your home. Don’t forget to dispose of the yard waste as soon as you can.
  2. Do not stack wood piles around your home.
  3. If you live in a more rural setting, make sure you have fencing around your property to keep other animals and wild life out!
  4. Keep patio furniture, and children’s play structures away from long grasses and shrubbery.
  5. If you’re worried about your pet, please talk to your vet about tick prevention. Your pets should always be updated on their annual shots.
  6. Make it a habit to check yourself and your family members (especially the younger ones) out after being outside. And it’s VERY important to check yourself and family after you’ve been in a wilderness type setting. (Ie. A hike in the forest or a walk in long grasses etc.). Remember to check your hair, armpits, ears, back of the knees, and anywhere else that seems like a nice place to burrow. Ticks are very small, and mostly unnoticeable, so it’s important to keep a keen sense of your surroundings and your pets!

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