May 03 2019 0Comment

How to spot a Rat infestation in your home!

Nests: Rodents prefer dark and secluded areas where there are no threats and little disturbance. House mice tend to build their nests from paper products, cotton, packing supplies, insulation and mixed fabrics.

Noises: Hearing scratching in the walls and attic is a pretty good indication that you may have a rodent issue. Mice and rats tend to use the night hours to scavenge for food and materials which is why you’ll hear them most during sleeping time when it’s quiet. They are also most likely to be in dark secluded areas with lots of shelter, so an attic, cellar, or inside of a wall is a great spot to start your search for  a nest.

Tracks/Marks: Rats will leave dark grease/dirt marks along walls and floorboards as the follow a specific trail between their nest and food source. The “grease” marks are actually cause from the oil in a rodents fur.

Droppings: A clear indication that you have a rodent issue is the sign of droppings throughout the home. Measuring approximately 1/8-1/4” (3-6 mm) long, these pellets are often left behind in places where food is stored, such as kitchen cabinets or pantries. Homeowners may also find mouse droppings under sinks, inside chewed cardboard boxes, along baseboards and on top of wall beams. Mouse feces can carry harmful bacteria, transmit serious diseases such as salmonella and Hantavirus, and trigger allergies. Mice are capable of producing more than 50 droppings a day, so prompt removal using protective gloves is key to keeping the family safe from the potential health threats posed by these critters.

Bite/Gnaw Marks: Rodents will cause fierce damage to your home. Look for bite marks in every nook and cranny. Rodents are always looking for a source of food and water, so they will bite through almost anything. Because of this, it’s important to catch a rodent infestation early as mice and rats chewing have been known to chew through wiring causing serious electrical issues and the possibility of electrical fires.

Seeing a rodent: If you’ve seen one… There are more. Rodents breed rapidly. In fact, a house mouse can give birth to a half dozen babies every three weeks! That’s 35 young per year! If you’ve seen a mouse scavenging through your home, she is most likely bringing sources of food/water back to it’s nest to feed her young. This is why it’s very important to stop an infestation as fast as possible.

If you recognize any of these signs, it’s imperative to nip them early. Pun intended! Rodents are a nuisance and can multiply rapidly! They can also spread disease throughout the home as well as cause some major damage which is not always covered under insurance. Your home is a huge investment, and rodents are ruthless. Contact us today for help in the safe removal of rodents!

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