October 05 2018 0Comment

How To: Stop Mice From Entering Your House This Winter

As the cooler weather approaches, it’s time to start thinking about winterizing… This means, your home, cottage, business, and all other places that a pesky little critter would want to call home!

Below are 5 ways a mouse will try to seek warmth in your home this winter:

  1. Openings
    Sounds simple enough, but make sure to take a good and thorough look around your place before the snow/frost hit. The most common entry gap is between the bricks/roof and soffit.
    What to do:
    •  Seal any gaps you find!
    •  Look out for siding and foundation gaps, roof and soffit gaps and roof and fascia gaps, which helps prevent them from entering the house
  2. Doors and Windows
    Doors or windows that don’t close correctly are a perfect entry point for rodents looking for food and shelter. It is imperative that your doors and windows close properly.
    What to do:
    •  Caulk/Seal all windows
    •  Add weather stripping around your doors
  3. Food Storage
    A food source is a huge incentive for any critter to stay comfortably. It’s important to not give mice any reasons why they would want to call your place home!
    What to do:
    •  Ensure that there is no food left out on counters or exposed inside cupboards
    •  Seal and secure any food into air tight containers
  4. Branches/Utility lines
    Tree branches and utility lines basically provide a one-way street into your home.
    What to do:
    •  Inspect the exterior of your home regularly for any unsealed holes/gaps
    •  Caulk around all holes
    •  Add vent covers that do not allow for critters to make their way up through any vent or duct system
  5. Roof
    Roof’s are actually one of the most common entry points for any critter seeking warmth and shelter. Most pests are able to climb vertically which gives a mouse a perfect lane to enter your home through the roof vents or chimney.
    What to do:
    •  Check your roof for damages/gaps/holes
    •  Keep your gutters clean
    •  Install a chimney cap

When people are looking for methods for how to kill mice they consider using mice poison. We advise against this as leaving mice poison out is very dangerous to children, pets and other animals. The most effective and safest course of action for how to get of mice is through an experienced pest technician who can help you prevent, identify and eliminate a mice infestation.

If you think that you have an infestation or want to prevent one, considering contacting an experienced rodent pest professional like Durham Pest Control.

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