October 23 2020 0Comment

Mice issue? Read this.

At this time of year, our phone lines get tied up with calls from homeowners who are having mice issues. As we have all heard or, in some cases seen, mice can cause some serious damage to your home, your belongings, and your scarily enough… your health.

Often times, when homeowners feel they may have mouse issue, their first reaction is to set up traps. Because traps (snap traps) are a bait and kill mechanism… These often work backwards… Meaning, you are BAITING mice to come to you. Yes, you will most definitely catch a mouse. But you will also bait many more into your dwelling with the sweet smell of food.

So… what’s the best way to get rid of mice?

Get a cat! Kidding… The best way to get rid of mice is to hire a licensed professional. No, This isn’t a plug for business. It is the honest truth. We are trained to seek out and remove entry points… We are trained with the use of proper baits that will prevent re-entry… We are trained to know how mice think and survive in every environment… We are trained to use better judgement against the ‘off-the-shelf- baits and traps which are sold to homeowners who are in panic mode because their house has just become a new home for Ratatouille and his friends… All joking aside, it is because of our vast knowledge, we are able to in most cases, guarantee our work. Hiring a professional is often a lot less expensive than the constant battle of driving to the hardware store (numerous times) to purchase traps. With a professional, the removal process is a lot quicker, especially when taking into consideration drive times and research a homeowner does to try to fight the issue themselves. As mentioned, in most cases we guarantee our work as well, so there’s always a sense of peace when you go to sleep at night that this will be taking care of quickly and responsibly.

If you are having an issue with mice or rodents, please do not hesitate to give us a call. We are here to help!

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