June 05 2018 0Comment

Mosquitoes Suck…

With this beautiful warm Ontario weather, comes barbeques, sunshine, swimming, and… mosquitos…

Here are a few tips on how to prevent these nasty suckers from ruining your day!

  1. Remove any “still-water” sources…
    • Puddles, ponds, leaky hoses etc. are all a perfect wading pool for these pesky insects. If you remove their water source, you’ll remove the chance of them hanging around.
  2. If you have a pond….
    • Use oxygenating plants to prevent algae in which mosquito larvae feed on
  3. Fill driveway potholes
    • This will eliminate any water source that could remain after a rain shower
  4. Kids play structures (example: tire swing)
    • Continually check play structures around your yard to make sure there isn’t any pooling water. Make a point to drill a holes into the bottom of a tire swing for example in order to allow proper drainage.
  5. Clean up toys!
    • Kids’ sand buckets and other toys that are left out can also be used as a personal mosquito wading pool…
  6. Use lids on your trash bins
    • Mosquitoes tend to hang around food and open sources of food. By closing your trash lid, you are eliminating most of the smell temptation as well as what could be a water source after a rain storm.
  7. Regularly trim shrubs and bushes
    • the less foliage the less area to hover, and nest.
  8. Plant citronella, rosemary, marigolds, or catnip in the garden.
    • All of which are a natural deterrent for mosquitoes as well as other pesky insects
  9. Lastly, close your windows/doors, and repair any screen damage
    • They are small and they can find a way… Even the tiniest of tears can be a gateway for mosquitoes into your home.

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