September 18 2020 0Comment

Preventative Mice Tips and Tricks

As we approach the cooler temperatures, we can start to think about the closures of our summer cottages. Here are a few tips to keep the mice out of your cottage this winter.

  1. Inspect the roof
    1. Roofs are always such an easy access point for most critters seeking warmth. Branches and brush that overhang your house are easy leverage for a mouse to use to gain access to your roof. It’s important to trim back all brush and branches.
    2. Little know fact, mice can climb vertical walls! Although you may remove the branches are more noticeable ways to gain access to the roof, it’s important to know that mice and other pests are able to climb up sidewalls and downspouts.
    3. Place gutter covers on your eavestroughs.
    4. Clean gutters from all debris.
    5. Fix any holes or damage to your roof that will allow a small critter entry into the cottage.
  2. Gaps in bricks/soffits
    1. Mice can fit through a smaller hole than you can imagine! It’s important to check for small holes in the brickline of your home/cottage.
    2. Pay special attention to where different materials (ex: brick and siding) meet. This is where there tends to be small gaps that will allow for small critters to gain entry.
  3. Phone/Electrical lines
    1. Utility lines work the same way as branches. Most lines will run on exterior walls such as AC units, heating, water lines. It’s important to check these lines regularly for gaps and holes.
    2. Caulk around exterior holes and piping.
    3. Replace vent covers.
  4. Windows/Doors
    1. Inspect that all windows and doors are shut air tight.
    2. Seal any gaps.
    3. Add weather stripping to doors.
  5. Food
    1. Good food storage is imperative in keeping the critters out! Seal all dry goods in air tight containers.
    2. Remove any unnessary foods such as condiments, baking goods and sugars.
    3. Use plastic totes to store any larger items such as pet food.

If you need help in closing your cottage this winter to avoid any sort of pest damage, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

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