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Tag: pest prevention

Mosquitoes Suck…

With this beautiful warm Ontario weather, comes barbeques, sunshine, swimming, and… mosquitos… Here are a few tips on how to prevent these nasty suckers from ruining your day! Remove any “still-water” sources… Puddles, ponds, leaky hoses etc. are all a perfect wading pool for these pesky insects. If you remove their water source, you’ll remove […]

Raccoon Mating Season (Here’s What You Need to Know!)

With raccoon mating season underway, here are a few tips we should all be aware of that can help detect raccoons early as well as some key pointers for humane removal should you find yourself with any raccoon (and soon to be raccoon family) issue. Raccoon mating season starts in late winter, and litters are […]

Winterize Your Home

A few tips on how to avoid an unwanted house guest this winter… Rake and pick up leaves! A pile of leaves is a warm and inviting place for pests, especially leaf piles that are close to your house. Ants, earwigs, rodents, and snakes have been known to make themselves comfortable under a nice “warm” […]

Wasps… Wasps… Wasps…

The hot summer months are a thing of beauty… BBQ’s, cold drinks, hot sun, tasty ice cream.. the list goes on… Unfortunately the warm months also bring on a somewhat regular annoyance of pests such as those of the wasp. Almost everyone will encounter a stinging insect at some point in their life, and for […]

Bed Bugs Bite!

Bed bugs bite… both literally and figuratively… There’s been a rise in the calls of bed bug infestation in the last several years, and nobody really knows why. Since 2006, there have been 2270 reports of bed bugs just in the the Toronto region alone. That’s 2270 reports of infestations, not just one little bug… And […]

When Wildlife Go Wild…

Spring is officially in full force! Tulips are up, trees are budding, and wildlife are making your home their own… Wait… What? That’s right folks, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, possums, you name it… With spring being the annual “baby booming” season, all wildlife are looking for their special place to nest/den. Because your home boasts quiet […]

Raccoon Nesting Season – What to look for?

Raccoon nesting season peaks in the spring, with a peak time for birth in March. So what does that mean as a homeowner? Well, let me first talk to you about nesting activity… Raccoons aren’t picky with the nesting materials they use. They will commonly use long grasses and hay but are also known to […]