June 17 2021 0Comment

What you need to know about mosquitoes!

As we start to enjoy our outdoor spaces (including patios!), we are started to see mosquitoes becoming a little more active. Along with having an itchy reaction to their bite, we can also blame mosquitoes for the spread of disease. He are some interesting facts you need to know:

1) Mosquitoes grow quickly!

Mosquitoes will lay around 100 eggs at a time. Their gestation from egg to adult is only 7-10 days.

2) Only females bite

There are more than 3,000 species around the world. Both male and females will feed on nectar and plant sap, however, only females will bite humans and animals. The reason for this, is that only the females require the proteins found in blood to produce eggs.

3) Mosquitoes are more active during a full moon

Among the many things we tend to blame on a “full moon”, mosquito swarms are now among them. Mosquitoes use the moon as a visual receptor to find their food, so when the moon is brighter, the mosquitoes have a ‘better lit path’ to their next meal.

4) Mosquitoes are attracted to one person more than others

I’m sure you’ve been around a bonfire or at a family barbeque and overheard somebody say “I’m being bit like crazy”. If you are that person, we are very sorry to inform you that you may have just the perfect chemistry that mosquitoes flock to. It is true that mosquitoes are more attracted to certain body odors, body heat, breath (carbon dioxide), and lactic acids in some people more than others. Mosquitoes will use their receptors and vision to scout out their meals from up to 164ft away.

5) Mosquitoes breed in water – even the smallest amounts.

Mosquitoes will lay their eggs in stagnant water or wet soil. The crazy fact about this is that mosquitoes don’t need a pond in order to do so. They can and will lay their eggs in as small as a teaspoon of water. That amount can easily be in a small pothole, the inside of your wheel well, bird baths etc. It’s important not to have still water anywhere near your dwelling in order to deter mosquitoes from laying their eggs in and around your home.

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