August 25 2022 0Comment

Are Your Bird Feeders Causing Pest Issues?

Seeing beautiful birds up close and personal definitely helps us feel closer to nature. My personal favorite is the hummingbirds whose wings seem invisible when they are steadying themselves to feed at a sugar station. That said, I personally do not keep any feeders close to my home as they can attract more than just birds. Did you know that bird feeders in front/back yards are the biggest reason for rat infestations? Bird seed that has fallen to the ground from our messy bird friends act like a buffet to our not so friendly rodent friends. Team that up with rain water, bird baths, and swimming pools and you have a full blown resort style living for all pesky critters… not just rats. Rats, mice, squirrels, and raccoons will not refuse the temptation of free food, water and shelter especially if it’s openly handed to them.

On top of rodents and fuzzy pests, we also have to mention the hard-shelled and flying pests that your feeders will draw in. Grain pests such as meal moths, weevils, and food driven beetles will also make their way into and around your home when they’re given the chance. This includes places that you store the bird seed as well, such as sheds and garages.

Another issue with having bird feeders close to your home is that it encourages birds to nest locally to their food source. Who would want to fly a mile to eat when they can sleep, eat, swim, and drink all in the same place? Like I said, resort style living! Outdoor nesting birds aren’t exactly a HUGE problem in the pest control industry, however, we do field many calls from homeowners who feel threatened by nesting birds, or would like nests removed due to their location. (In a doorway or vent for example).

We can try to avoid birds nesting locally by choosing a better location for bird feeders (or perhaps squashing the idea all together). Birds will find their nourishment even without you having your gourmet meals planned out for them, not to worry.

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