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Are Your Bird Feeders Causing Pest Issues?

Seeing beautiful birds up close and personal definitely helps us feel closer to nature. My personal favorite is the hummingbirds whose wings seem invisible when they are steadying themselves to feed at a sugar station. That said, I personally do not keep any feeders close to my home as they can attract more than just […]

Pest tips for your multi-unit homes and apartments

With multiple living spaces in one residence or building, condos and apartments offer a major disadvantage in the battle of “pest free” living spaces. Uncontrollable factors such as food sources and cleanliness (or lack thereof) make multi-unit living spaces an inviting space for nesting pests. Here are some tips for you as a landlord, or […]

Fall Pest Guide

2021 Fall Pest Guide

What are overwintering pests? Overwintering pests are bugs, insects and rodents that seek out a warm place to nest and hibernate during the colder winter months. Here in Ontario, and especially in rural areas, we tend to get several calls about pests that have built nests inside of walls, attics, or in basements of unsuspecting […]

Durham Region Spring Pest Guide

We love spring! We love that the trees begin to bloom, the grey skies turn sun-kissed, and the promise of summer is just that much closer. What we don’t love about spring? The pests! Spring pests peak their heads out at the first sight of the sun and warm weather. Just like us, they love […]

The Signs That You May Have a Racoon Problem…

Racoons are nocturnal creatures, so much of what they do and how they live will generally go unnoticed. A tell-tale sign that a racoon has been in your space is seeing your garbage spread across the lawn or scattered piles of debris that weren’t there the night before… Although these are pretty clear indications that […]

Pests in Restaurants

We would be lying if we said that we didn’t regularly treat pest issues in some of the “cleanest” and well-known dining locations in Durham region. The fact of the matter is that pests big and small can really make their way anywhere… Restaurants are no exception. In fact, restaurants are a PERFECT source of […]

How To Deal With Bed Bugs While Travelling

Like a lot of us Canadians, we tend to seek warmth and sand just after the holidays. Our goal is to break up the cold and blistery months and take a few days to ourselves in the comfort of a hotel somewhere warm. While travelling though, it is possible that you will return with more […]