March 31 2021 0Comment

The Signs That You May Have a Racoon Problem…

Racoons are nocturnal creatures, so much of what they do and how they live will generally go unnoticed. A tell-tale sign that a racoon has been in your space is seeing your garbage spread across the lawn or scattered piles of debris that weren’t there the night before… Although these are pretty clear indications that racoons are living outside, having a racoon living inside may not be as noticeable.


Starting with material evidence… Racoons do a lot of structural damage indoors. They chew wood, will tear up insulation, remove shingles and siding just to name a few. They will also leave some pretty large sized party favours (poop) wherever they please. It’s important to look in small crevices and corners of the home that are mostly inhabitable… Think attics, sheds, pool houses etc.


Do you hear a scratching, pitter-patter of footsteps, and possibly a chatter inside the dark corners of your house? Well, before you ‘rid your house of evil’ take into consideration that there may be a racoon or rodent issue going on. Racoons are very talkative, especially when they’re young. They also prefer to make their dens in the most zen space available which is why most of our calls are for attic spaces above bedrooms where it’s both warm and quiet.


The “WHEN” factor about racoon season… Typically racoons will make their way indoors during the spring. Breeding season is January to March which means that babies are born in April to June. It is around March/April that the pregnant momma-to-be will find a perfect spot that is both secluded and protected in order to give birth to her kit. These momma’s will not check in to the emergency and pay the bills at the end of their stay, so it’s important as a homeowner to be on top of it should you have a racoon problem.


Well… Although the little masked bandits are pretty cute (especially the babies), it’s important to remember that they are in full protection mode and will defend their kit and themselves at all costs… It’s imperative that you have a professional come in to SAFELY and HUMANELY help with your racoon issue. If you are in need of assistance with your racoon issue, please contact us!

Our first racoon rescue of the season
Our first racoon rescue of the season

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