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Tag: wildlife removal

Birds and Diseases: Need to Know

Birds travel a great distance to get away from this cold. On their voyage, they feed on plants, insects, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals. Their diet and eating habits aren’t exactly the cleanest among the animal kingdom, which is why they tend to pick up many bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases on their journey. These diseases […]

Fall Pest Protection

Below are the top 10 pest prevention methods to help keep your home, cottage, and business pest free! Use tightly sealed plastic, glass or metal cans/jars for all of your stored preserves and pantry foods. Repair any plumbing fixtures both indoors and outdoors that may have a small leak or on the verge of leaking. […]

Raccoon Mating Season (Here’s What You Need to Know!)

With raccoon mating season underway, here are a few tips we should all be aware of that can help detect raccoons early as well as some key pointers for humane removal should you find yourself with any raccoon (and soon to be raccoon family) issue. Raccoon mating season starts in late winter, and litters are […]

KEEP OUT! How to keep pests out from making your home their winter getaway!

Pest control seems like it’s a never ending saga.. In the spring, we are worried when we see and hear pests come out from their hiding place… In the summer we are trying to control the pesky pests that are ruining our family barbecues, or invading our scenery, and now, the fall.. The fall is […]

When Wildlife Go Wild…

Spring is officially in full force! Tulips are up, trees are budding, and wildlife are making your home their own… Wait… What? That’s right folks, squirrels, raccoons, skunks, possums, you name it… With spring being the annual “baby booming” season, all wildlife are looking for their special place to nest/den. Because your home boasts quiet […]

Raccoon Nesting Season – What to look for?

Raccoon nesting season peaks in the spring, with a peak time for birth in March. So what does that mean as a homeowner? Well, let me first talk to you about nesting activity… Raccoons aren’t picky with the nesting materials they use. They will commonly use long grasses and hay but are also known to […]