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Tag: pest control

2022 Summer Pest Guide

Welcome to the official start of summer! We can see the flowers in bloom, hear the sounds of backyard pools, smell the barbeque goodness, and taste the cold drinks that are always flowing! But what else can we see, hear, maybe smell, and well… hopefully not taste.. but you get the point… That’s right! Summer […]

Silverfish problems on the rise

There is NOTHING cute about a silverfish. They are scaly, silvery/grey in colour with a long abdomen that comes to a point at the end resembling some sort of nightmare fish. They are wingless, and when they crawl, they crawl in a squirming or wiggling motion, which also resembles a fish… Nightmares. Although silverfish (Lepisma […]

Here are 3 major pests to watch out for this spring!

Spring is ALMOST here! As Ontarians, and if you’re anything like me, even the smell of melting snow, and that tiny bit of warm moisture in the air brings me so much joy. Don’t get me wrong, I love winter also, but there’s just something about the spring that I can’t quite fully explain. Spring […]


Why humane wildlife removal is beneficial to the homeowner

A lot of customers are curious as to why (when we can), we would opt to humanely remove wildlife and pests from the home as opposed to extermination. Aside from the obvious, which is that humane removal is cruelty free, there are actually other, super beneficial reasons why you should select humane removal over the […]

Cockroaches in the winter

Canadians tend to breathe a tiny sense of relief in the winter months when it comes to pest control. This is because there is a theory among us that insects and bugs will die off and we won’t be bothered much until the warmer months hit. Although there is some truth to that as we […]

Pests to look out for when using a real Christmas Tree…

Nothing beats the smell of a fresh cut Balsam Fir at this time of year. The overwhelming scent, along with twinkling lights are what this holiday season is all about…. That, and so much more. With that said, there are some things to think about when bringing in a real tree for your festive decorations. […]

House Plant

Keeping your houseplants “pest free” this winter

Whether you’re looking to purify the air or just add a little greenery to a grey winter, house plants will do the trick. The problem with bringing plants inside is you are also inviting unwanted pests in as well. What’s Best way to notice bugs on houseplants? While you may find the occasional ant, or […]

Pest tips for your multi-unit homes and apartments

With multiple living spaces in one residence or building, condos and apartments offer a major disadvantage in the battle of “pest free” living spaces. Uncontrollable factors such as food sources and cleanliness (or lack thereof) make multi-unit living spaces an inviting space for nesting pests. Here are some tips for you as a landlord, or […]

Fall Pest Guide

2021 Fall Pest Guide

What are overwintering pests? Overwintering pests are bugs, insects and rodents that seek out a warm place to nest and hibernate during the colder winter months. Here in Ontario, and especially in rural areas, we tend to get several calls about pests that have built nests inside of walls, attics, or in basements of unsuspecting […]

Fascinating Facts about… Ants!

They can spoil your picnic and they can invade your space… But… They are kinda neat! Yeah, I said it! Ants have been around a lot longer than you think! Below are some interesting facts you may or may not know about our most common pest. Researchers believe that ants (as a species) are around […]