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Tag: pest control

Fascinating Facts about… Ants!

They can spoil your picnic and they can invade your space… But… They are kinda neat! Yeah, I said it! Ants have been around a lot longer than you think! Below are some interesting facts you may or may not know about our most common pest. Researchers believe that ants (as a species) are around […]


What you need to know about mosquitoes!

As we start to enjoy our outdoor spaces (including patios!), we are started to see mosquitoes becoming a little more active. Along with having an itchy reaction to their bite, we can also blame mosquitoes for the spread of disease. He are some interesting facts you need to know: 1) Mosquitoes grow quickly! Mosquitoes will […]

The Signs That You May Have a Racoon Problem…

Racoons are nocturnal creatures, so much of what they do and how they live will generally go unnoticed. A tell-tale sign that a racoon has been in your space is seeing your garbage spread across the lawn or scattered piles of debris that weren’t there the night before… Although these are pretty clear indications that […]

Help protect yourself and your health from pests this winter

Pests that are outdoors, in small numbers whom are not a nuisance or creating damage to their surroundings are generally not something we in Ontario should worry about. The real pest concerns come when pests pose a risk to your home, your dwellings and your health. These risks include, breathing complications, allergies, food poisoning, general […]

Invasion of the Japanese Beetle in the Durham Region

Japanese beetles are destroying plants all around the Durham Region! This particular beetle thrives in hot and sunny weather so this July has been a perfect combination for this insect to survive and flourish. In the beginning: These beetles start off as lawn grubs and feast on the roots of lawn grasses and garden plants. […]

4 Ways to “Pest Proof” this Spring!

Since we’re all practicing physical distancing, now is a great time to pest proof your home! Here are the 4 areas of the home that you should be extra attentive to! KITCHEN The kitchen is one of the most used areas of any home. It can also accumulate the most germs and present a pretty […]

3 Common Winter Pests and how to avoid them!

With the colder temperatures that November brings, comes a surge of 3 common pests in the “Pest Control Industry”. Mice, Cockroaches, and Carpenter Ants! Why these 3 in particular? Read on… Mice: Mice tend to make a living space inside your home, cottage, and sheds in order to survive. They need all of the necessities, […]

When Bats Become an Issue

Before you freak out and take a swing at a bat with a long handle broom, you should know that “bats aren’t all that bad”. They are known as voracious insect predators, and in general don’t do much or any damage to property as one may think. Fact: Bats are of NO RELATION to mice, […]

Mice & Rats 101

Some think they look soft and cuddly, while others are petrified. Us? Well, when we see mice and/or rats, we see destructive, disease carrying rodents. House mice are carriers of some of the filthiest germs known to spread. They are also known to chew through just about anything including wiring, drywall, plumbing etc. causing a […]

Mattress Covers for Bed Bugs

Bed bugs can come out of nowhere, and can live in a “filthy” environment or thrive in a seemingly “clean” one. Because bed bugs are attracted to carbon dioxide and feed off both human and animal blood, bed bugs will gravitate toward sleeping areas where it’s easier to feed throughout the night. Bed bugs can […]